Our mission is to collaborate with families, communities, schools, and children to promote positive experiences that develop curiosity and confidence in mathematics!
We believe families can promote confidence in mathematics by playing interactive games and incorporating mathematics into everyday activities.
We believe in partnering with community organizations and supporting events that promote positive experiences in mathematical play.
We believe schools are essential in developing a culture that supports positive, robust mathematical identities by providing high-quality experiences and resources, both during the school year and over the summer months.
We believe that all children have the right and the potential to become confident mathematical thinkers through a variety of relevant and engaging activities.

It has never been more important for families, schools, and communities to support students in becoming confident users of mathematics to successfully navigate our world. Math Moments focuses on opening doors to mathematics through play! Our math resources were created for families, communities, and schools to provide strategies designed to promote fun ways to engage students in exploring math through play and everyday moments.
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