
Request Materials

Is your school or organization located in Lake, Mason, or Oceana County? Would you like to request inspiREading materials? Click Below!


Get Trained

Do you want to be a trusted messenger for inspiREading in Lake, Mason, or Oceana County? Click the button below to sign up for training.

Book Bus

Are you looking to partner with inspiREading in Lake, Mason, or Oceana County? Click below to request and partner with the book bus.

We are inspiREd!

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Betsy Dotson

Literacy Coach bdotson@wsesd.org

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Sara Jeruzal

Great Start Collaborative Coordinator sjeruzal@wsesd.org

Jaynie Manier

Literacy Specialist jmanier@wsesd.org

We developed inspiREading to support families, communities, schools, and children. Our passion as a team is to inspiRE literacy in multiple ways. We are excited to share inspiREading with you!

Contact us if you have any questions or would like more information to inspire reading in your community.


Individuals and organizations may copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, transmit or distribute materials created by WSESD without modifying content.