Great Start Collaborative (GSC)
Who We Are.
The Mason-Lake-Oceana Great Start Collaborative (GSC) works to align, coordinate, and invest in the state’s early learning system. Our collaborative is made up of a team of staff, an executive committee, parent coalitions, and workgroups that are comprised of various partner organizations.
What We Do.
As a community we routinely identify the needs of children and families in our region and take concrete actions to address them. We convene the Great Start Collaborative four times a year, hold monthly parent coalition meetings, and bring together workgroups.
Early Childhood Matters.
Our Great Start Collaborative works to ensure that every child in our region has the opportunity to play, grow, and learn. Across Lake, Mason, and Oceana counties our communities are working together to improve outcomes for children by strengthening our early childhood system.
Our Mission.
To ensure a coordinated system of community resources and supports guaranteeing a great start for all children prenatal through age eight in Mason, Lake, and Oceana counties.
Our Vision.
Every child in Mason, Lake, and Oceana County will enter school safe, healthy, and eager to succeed.
Early Childhood Outcomes.
Every Great Start Collaborative in Michigan, including here in Mason, Lake and Oceana Counties, work toward the same early childhood outcomes
Children are born healthy
Children are healthy, thriving, and developmentally on track from birth through third grade.
Children are developmentally ready to succeed in school at time of school entry.
Children are prepared to succeed in fourth grade and beyond by reading proficiently at the end of third grade.