Early Learning - Aprendizaje en la primera infancia
Lake County - Condado de Lake
- Great Start to Quality
Find high-quality care & preschool for your child.
Contact: 616.558.6896
- Early On - West Shore Educational Service District (WSESD) :
Evaluation: if it is suspected that a child has a developmental delay or a condition that could lead to such delay, an evaluation is initiated.
Individualized Family Service Plan: If the child is eligible for Early On services, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed. The IFSP addresses the developmental needs of the child as well as the needs of the family helping the child.
Service Coordination: An Early On Service Provider helps the parent coordinate the services outlined in their child's plan.
Implementation: Services outlined in the IFSP are implemented with permission of the parent.
- Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)
Early Childhood programs & resources for children, age 4, in Mason, Lake, & Oceana Counties
Contact: Brenda Vronko 231.898.1545 or bvronko@wsesd.org
- FiveCAP Early Head Start
Home or center based program for pregnant women & infants/toddlers ages 0-3.
Lake County FiveCAP, Inc. 2476 W. 44th St., Baldwin Contact: 231-745-4617
-FiveCAP Head Start Center
Center based program for children ages 3-5.
Robert F. Williams Community & Family Service Center (RFW) 2448 W. 44th St., PO Box 387 Baldwin, MI 49304 Contact: 231-745-6254
- Play & Learn
Children under five are going through a stage of rapid brain and skill development. For optimum development, young children need a stimulating environment to play and learn. The Great Start Collaborative offers free PLAY & LEARN opportunities throughout Mason, Lake and Oceana county.
- Talking Is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing
- GSC/InspiREading
- GSC/MathMoments
- PoWeR! Book Bags
PoWeR! Book Bags offers free new books and literacy book bags with materials for children and family to use for playing, writing, and reading.
- MSU Extension-Early Childhood Articles
Parents and caregivers are the first to have influence on a child’s development and future academic success. To ensure the success of families across Michigan and to support children’s school readiness, MSU Extension has invested in research- and evidence-based programming for the parents, caregivers and early childhood educators who have the first opportunity to enhance children’s skills and become their best resources and advocates.
– Great Start to Quality
Encuentre atención y preescolar de alta calidad para su hijo.
Contacto: 616.558.6896
– Early On – West Shore Educational Service District (WSESD):
Evaluación: si se sospecha que un niño tiene un retraso del desarrollo o una condición que pudiera dar lugar a dicho retraso, se inicia una evaluación.
Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado: Si el niño es elegible para servicios de la primera infancia Early On, se crea un Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado (IFSP).
El IFSP aborda las necesidades de desarrollo del niño, así como las necesidades de la familia para ayudar al niño.
Coordinación del servicio: Un proveedor de servicio de Early On ayuda a los padres a coordinar los servicios detallados en el plan de su hijo.
Implementación: Los servicios detallados en el IFSP se implementan con permiso de los padres.
– Programa de Preparación Great Start (GSRP)
Programas y recursos para la primera infancia para niños de hasta 4 años, en los condados de Mason, Lake y Oceana
- FiveCAP Early Head Start
Programa en el hogar o en un centro para mujeres embarazadas y bebés/niños pequeños de 0 a 3 años.
Lake County FiveCAP, Inc. 2476 W. 44th St., Baldwin Contacto: 231-745-4617
-FiveCAP Head Start Center
Programa en un centro para niños de 3 a 5 años.
Robert F. Williams Community & Family Service Center (RFW) 2448 W. 44th St., PO Box 387 Baldwin, MI 49304 Contacto: 231-745-6254
- Play & Learn
Los niños menores de cinco años están pasando por una etapa de rápido desarrollo cerebral y de habilidades. Para un desarrollo óptimo, los niños pequeños necesitan un entorno estimulante para jugar y aprender. The Great Start Collaborative ofrece oportunidades gratuitas de JUEGO Y APRENDIZAJE en los condados de Mason, Lake y Oceana.
– Talking Is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing
– GSC/InspiREading
– GSC/MathMoments
– PoWeR! Book Bags
PoWeR! Book Bags ofrece libros nuevos gratuitos y bolsas con libros de lectoescritura para que los niños y las familias los usen para jugar, escribir y leer.